The fabulous Bernie Su took this photo at a Tubefilter Meetup in October. My first day back in LA after a month in Dallas. I was so happy to be dressed up and out of my muddy clothes.

A super cheesy shot of me and my co-host before another edition of Toyota Live in Miami.....awesomely cheesy.
A shot with publicist, Gabriel del Rio, after The Web Files shoot with FOX Television Studios' 15 Gigs heads, Ilsa Berg and Gabe Marano. Episode: 15 Gigs.

We endured day after day after day of rain in Dallas, so we felt all of the rain we swept into the gutters qualified us for the National Tour of Mary Poppins.

I finally make it back to LA and I get to handle our first NY interview with Jeremy Redleaf of Odd Jobs. We had a lot of fun hanging in the janitorial supply store. Episode: Odd Jobs.

My absolute favorite shot from The Web Files this year. When will Camera Obscura be released? Let's hope 2010 is the year. Episode: Camera Obscura.
I am obviously failing at my 5 photo limit, so come back and join me for 10 photos or under in my 2009 review of November and December. And while you are at it, there is only a day and a half left to vote for The Web Files for Best Web Original Non-Fiction show at Clicker. No registration, no emails required. Just a click of your mouse. Thanks: Vote.

So many cute photos! Love these! And...*breathless* you saw OPRAH!